Alliance for Lupus Research

The Alliance for Lupus Research (ALR) is a medical research charity that seeks better treatment for those who suffer from Systemic lupus erythematosus. The charity also looks to ultimately assist in finding a cure to prevent the disease from becoming fatal. Lupus is a debilitating autoimmune disease.



The Alliance for Lupus Research was founded in 1999 by Robert Wood Johnson IV. Johnson is a founding family member of Johnson & Johnson. He is also the owner of the New York Jets. [1]

The group’s fundraising efforts include charity walks under the Walk with Us to Cure Lupus imprint, which both raises funds and increases public awareness of the disease.[2]

Research funded by the ALR has included the International Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Genetics (SLEGEN) Consortium. The research identifies several genes associated with Lupus.[3][4][5]

The Alliance for Lupus Research has given more money to Lupus research than any non-governmental agency in the world. The estimated cumulative commitment for research to date is $50,000,000.[3]

One hundred percent of all donations from the public including donations in support of the Walk with Us to Cure Lupus program go directly to research. The Board of directors pay all of ALR’s operating costs. ALR uses a peer review system to make all funding decision. [3]

The hallmark of ALR’s operations are an emphasis on multidisciplinary science. A keen focus on research that can be moved quickly from the laboratory to a patient’s bedside.

Areas of Research Emphasis


External links